Welcome to your Source for Odd and Usual but Practical Information!

Your Destiny Includes Learning New Things. Here's how.

Before we move forward, allow me to congratulate you for coming this far. And then take a moment to congratulate yourself; that’s even better. If you have received something of value up to this point, I hope you’ll take a moment and visit online and share your comments with others.

I’d like to know your stories and what your results are when you have gone through one or several weeks of this daily meditation routine. Peoples fears have been resolved through doing this procedure and years have been dissolved with participants feeling and looking younger.

Can you believe that we are only starting on Step 6 of Destiny Moves? We did a lot in the first five steps and we still have a lot more. Let’s go.

You may have heard that “Knowledge is power”. But that’s only part of the equation.   Certainly you always want to add to your learning and thereby continue to be a “lifelong learner”. Some people never pick up a text book after they graduate from high school or college. Sadly, we still “pick up” on the “garbage” which is thrown at us at an alarming rate and what really “stinks” is that we are accepting it.

From here out “test” things and research things coming your way before you espouse your opinion. For me, I’m learning to “count to ten” or even wait a day before responding and replying to things on social media. Another thing, I would encourage you not to absorb any social media while eating or just before you go to sleep; because “absorb” you will.

Every day in your lifelong learning, learn a new word, a new world, a new song, learn to play “something” on an instrument or simply learn something about that instrument, or memorize a poem. You can “Journal” your thoughts and interview people. And even if you are an artist or you think you cannot draw a straight line; “try” to. You may surprise yourself; and others!
It’s easy today to learn new things because of the advance of the Internet and the search engines which bring answers to our questions in seconds. My challenge is that I want it all and I want it now. That’s not the best way to learn however. Choose to learn words on week one, culture in countries on week two, instruments on week three and how to create lasting relationships on week four; you get the idea. Just have fun with learning. And be sure to share what you’ve learned. It’s been said that we really don’t “know” something unless we can explain it to others. Use your new word in conversation. Continue with the new things you’ve learned and soon you’ll become an expert in another area.

When you are in a meditative state, ask what to learn and for assistance in learning, remembering and using your new found knowledge. This is also when you may want to ask for solutions in dealing with situations you are currently working on.  

Note to reader: Did you like what you’ve read? This is an excerpt of my book soon to be published, Destiny Moves™. It will be available for purchase on Amazon shortly. Would you like to know when it is available for free? Request to be notified using the contact form on this page.

Ter Scott is available to speak at your next event, and even via online! Use the contact information on this page to request details.

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