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Start every Thursday Visualizing the Day in Beauty, then Live it.

Every Thursday, start your day being grateful color and beauty. To into your meditation using the steps outlined earlier and then state that today you will be gratefully aware of all the beauty around you. Take a different route to work today, walk in a park during your lunch time or after work and really make a concerted effort to not only “look” but to “see”. When you see that colored leaf or flower, stop with wonder and amazement as if you are a child and look closely at its shape and the lines and texture it offers. While meditating visualize yourself doing these things and then later actually do them. This act will increase manifesting of other things in your life because you first said them, visualized them and they came about!

Say these affirmations out loud while in your quiet time and later write them in full or in a few key words on a 3 x 5 card to review and do throughout your day.

I am one with all beauty.
I am aware of my inner spiritual beauty which I radiate outwardly blessing all I meet, see and think about.
I am in awe of the beauty of the multicolored flowers, birds, trees, oceans, rivers and lakes.
I am conscious of the overwhelming beauty of which I am a part of in nature, and I am in harmony with the mystical forces which create its majesty and wonder, and I “confess to bless” by consciously being part of it, one with it respecting, approving and honoring it all.

Ter Scott! Life & Legacy Coach™

Note to reader: Did you like what you’ve read? This is an excerpt of my book soon to be published, Destiny Moves™. It will be available for purchase on Amazon shortly. Would you like to know when it is available for free? Request to be notified using the contact form on this page.

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