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How to Save Your Business During Turbulent Times

Hello. My name is Terry Scott, some know me as Ter Scott. I have worked with business owners offline and online for over 20 years and more with creative marketing strategies, money making tips and so much more.

Online and offline with physical store front and in home type businesses
This is an organization that you, even with a “simple” network marketing type of a business; any business which requires you to complete a 1040 form, these tips are for you.

When you have a small business, any of which I’ve described, as long as you are treating it like a business and not a hobby and of course the traditional small business owners along main street USA these tips are for you.

I am recording this in March of 2020 in response to businesses being ordered to shut down because of the corona virus.

It is also an election year.

Both of these things can and will have severe impact on your business.

Be smart, be safe and be sane.

Become an NFIB Member today. 

If you are not a member you should be.

If you are a member, please open and read your emails.

If a membership rep stops at your business, know that he or she will be brief and get your input on issues which will pertain to your business. They will tell you in a very concise manner what NFIB is and how you can join. The yearly membership fee is very very affordable and in my opinion, membership is as important as any other aspect of your business and part of the cost of running a business.

When you are asked to rejoin each year, you’ll continue getting all of the benefits. Again in my opinion, if you didn’t “see the value of membership” you are missing something; NFIB is the most powerful advocacy group fighting for your business, to keep you in business, than any other organization in America. 

Regardless whether you “saw” value, believe me, you’ve received far more value than you might imagine. Allow the membership rep to briefly show you a few things that NFIB has done for you and your business, in your state and across the USA to protect your right to own operate and grow your businesses. And then do your part by opening and reading your emails and voting the ballots on the issues important to you and your small business.

So I’ve explained that whether you are a business owner with a small work at home business, a multilevel business owner, a contractor, a mom and pop store owner, a business owner employing a hundred people or more; we all need to be members of NFIB. When a membership rep visits, hear him or her out because no one has a better handle on the latest issues than NFIB for your small business. 

Then become a member. 

If you are unable to become a member at that moment, take the membership member’s phone number and be sure to call him or her when you pay bills that week and process your membership over the phone. If you are a member you may get a phone call requesting your renewal to be processed over the phone. That’s great because this saves you time and allows your NFIB rep to be out getting new members. As a small business owner, this is exactly what you want; more business owners joining you in the fight for small business!

Having a real voice at your state and federal level, again in my opinion, has never been more important than today. Become an NFIB member and be sure to renew your membership every year.

During this time of business hours being shortened or shut down temporarily, it is so important to be an NFIB member and to stay a member. As a small business owner, with the government deciding how to deal with the corona virus, you want your voice to be heard. NFIB is “your seat at the table” and it’s been said that “if you aren’t seated at the table, you will be eaten”.

When you become a member with a rep walking through your door or when you are called to renew, I will not get one penny. I am sharing this important message at this crucial time because I believe so much in what NFIB is doing and will do for you, that I wanted to create this video.

NFIB is fighting for your business to survive this corona virus and this 2020 election. I also have to tell you that I am in no way, speaking for NFIB in an official capacity.

Having owned many businesses myself, and being a business adviser I absolutely love business and helping business. And, I also love business helping business.

I am also an NFIB rep.

If this message makes sense to you, and you do not currently have a local membership rep yet, contact me. I will get you started for this year and from this point forward you’ll get all your membership benefits and you’ll be assigned a rep in the future.

Contact me using the contact form on this page or using the information in the image below to get started right away.

Together let’s join other business owners in your local community, your state and your country to fight for what’s right for small business.

I know it is so easy to watch a video like this and put off acting. I’m going to make it so easy for you to take action.

Use my link below to see what you’ll get as a member of NFIB. Then contact me for a low, first year membership fee which will be very affordable. Yes, I can get you a very acceptable rate for your very first year which offers you everything any other member receives. Then next year after you’ve used all the benefits and voted the ballots, you can decide what is feasible for your renewal. Sound fair?

I’m going to give you a reason to act now, today.

When you use my contact information and allow me to process your membership, I’m going to give you a bundle of free things which will help your business grow in turbulent times. I won’t tell you what they are, but you’ll see a link for those too. (They may change over time so I won’t mention them here).
So click the links below and let’s start the conversation.

Make it a great day and let’s keep your business striving in these turbulent times.

Terry (Ter) Scott!

PS. As a membership rep (I.D. # 3A687), I am only speaking for myself in this message and in this video. I am not officially speaking for the organization or anyone who is affiliated with this great organization. 

Also, again know that you can enroll as a member or renew your membership when a local membership rep visits or calls you. You can also enroll at NFIB.com. If you are already a member, please renew when your rep visits or you get a call. My message and this special bonus is for new members only. 


During financial downturns and turbulent times, business owners need to be frugal and watch expenses and take advantage of all income sources. They may need more cash flow. Here's a way to capture monies owed to you that you most likely do not know about. 


CLICK IMAGE to find monies your company has missed out on and how to capture current tax savings, and more! 

Many business owners (even when they have stellar tax professionals and CPAs) miss out on these tax savings every year. Right now, as you are reading this sentence, tax savings your business qualifies for may be expiring. Click on the image below to visit our secured site with a tax calculator which in just moments will reveal hidden tax monies for your business. Only when you win and have monies coming to you does Stryde make anything. You can only lose by putting this off. Enter a few numbers and voila! You'll see what you've been missing! 

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