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The world is counting on you to fulfill your potential and do your part. It is the most unselfish thing you can do.

Destiny Moves Step 8 (of 10)

Destiny Moves is a complete course which I've developed and will use in upcoming live 2 day workshops; bronze, silver and gold editions so be watching for that and be sure to attend which one that suits your desires when I am doing one "close" to your area. You can request more details using the contact form on this page. And please, leave your comments and questions at the end of this article if you choose. 

Napoleon Hill states in his book, Think and Grow Rich how if we do not first see great riches in our imagination we will not see it in our bank balance. And I add to this stating that this is also true not only for money, but in every area of our lives; in every area of what I have called The Major 8™ of which I describe in great detail in my other writings. Hill also stated that our only limitations are those which we set up in our own minds. In this Step 7 of Destiny Moves, we will deliberately set up what it is which we desire to image in our minds to later hold in our hands.

If you do not or will not image it, you will not hold it. 
Ter Scott, Life & Legacy Coach™.

In your meditation time, when you have gone through the steps to achieve the most quiet, clear and meditative state, you will focus on and express and emphasize your “true value”. 

Earlier I mentioned the Major 8™ and number eight is all about having a feeling of importance and respect. There was a time where I sought respect from others until I realized that it was my responsibility to create my own respect for myself first. In this eighth Destiny Move you will consider your own true value; yes, you have value. You simply must accept it, build it and show it. The world is counting on you to fulfill your potential and do your part. You are part of its whole and you were born with a purpose; a destiny. Living your destiny is the most unselfish thing you can do because doing so is doing your part in the entire overall plan for the world.

There are three things in which you’ll meditate on which are having poise in all situations, confidence in all situations, and doing it all with magnetism to attract all good things and good results.

In your quiet time, recite these words seven times. I am born with a great destiny. Today I give something from myself which is truly of a great value and in return I receive great riches such as money, fame, friendship, satisfaction and joy; all as reward for being me and all I can be.

After your quiet meditation, write those words on a 3 x 5 card and carry with you to read them throughout your day; especially just before you have an opportunity to use their power to give you poise, confidence and magnetic results. You can also write something very specific in what you are giving and what you will receive for what you are giving; this is simply “planting and harvesting” which is natural. Being specific brings specific results.
This Destiny Move achieves great results for you when you look at your image in a mirror while you are saying these words. You can “sing” these words too while you are looking at your image. You can also carry a “before” and “after” picture of your image of where you were and where you want to be; looking at the “future you” as you recite this meditation.

Can you keep a secret?

Some of these Destiny Moves are meant to be for you and you alone. Joel Osteen, in his book The Power of I Am, states that we should be as bold as David; not in front of other people but in private and say, “I am amazing, I am wonderful. I am valuable.” And he goes on to say that when we talk like that, amazing comes chasing us down!

Your quiet times are your quiet times. Your affirmations and your “assignments” are yours because after all, this is all about your destiny and no one else’s. They play a part in your life and on your life path (and that is why your responsibility is to walk the path and fulfill your destiny) however, they cannot get inside you and be you; “no one can do your own push ups”.

Your assignment then is to look in the mirror in the morning and night and also throughout your day with your pocket mirror and say, “I have a secret. I am ___________________. 

You can fill in the blank with things like confident, a great singer, beautiful, wanted, attractive, rich, friendly and have many friends; anything which you desire to have come about in your life.

Note to reader: Did you like what you’ve read? This is an excerpt of my book soon to be published, Destiny Moves™. It will be available for purchase on Amazon shortly. Would you like to know when it is available for free? Request to be notified using the contact form on this page.

Ter Scott is available to speak at your next event, and even via online! Use the contact information on this page to request details.

This card is yours. Print this page, cut the card to fit in your pocket and take to you next pharmacy visit to save up to 90% on your prescriptions; it even works for your pet meds. 

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