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Stay at Home and Stay Armed. Common Sense Approach to Guns and Safety

USCCA Membership - 

7 Reasons You'll Want to 

Join the USCCA Today

From the huge surge in gun purchases to the suspension of concealed carry permit applications to police agencies declaring publicly that they will not be making arrests for “non-violent” crime and more, this panel discussion will offer insights into what you can do right now to help keep your family safe.

Learn how the USCCA supports you as a responsible protector with the nation’s best education, training and trusted legal protection you need to face whatever threatens your loved ones — now and in the future.


But you’re still vulnerable to criminal charges and financial ruin, even if you did everything right. Your USCCA Membership arms you with the education, training and self-defense legal protection you need to protect your family with confidence. We believe that doing the right thing shouldn’t cost you everything.

Latest Corona Virus NEWS and Links March 26, 2020

Latest Corona Virus NEWS and Links March 26, 2020

Higher Education is Hit by Uncertainty. 

Since colleges and universities across the country have closed campuses and moved to online instruction, students face a disrupted education and an uncertain path forward. READ MORE.

Jobless claims in the U.S. jumped to 3.28 million between March 15 and 21 — an increase of 1,064% from the previous week, reports the Labor Department. The jump in claims is, by far, the largest single-week increase on record, resulting from a nationwide slowdown tied to the coronavirus pandemic. READ MORE.

Click on the image above to visit a secured site and learn about the latest hiring incentives.

The Senate approved a $2 trillion economic stimulus package, overcoming last-minute disagreements and sending the biggest fiscal stimulus in U.S. history to a House vote. READ MORE.

5 Key Things in the $2 Trillion Coronavirus Stimulus Package
The largest economic stimulus measure in modern history would authorize direct payments to taxpayers and loans to small businesses, and create a $500 billion corporate bailout fund. READ MORE.

Everyone needs more than one source of income. That's what the One Minute Business with Watkins is all about. With just a minute here and a minute there, you can create extra income for a positive difference in your life. It's a sensible and completely flexible way to earn extra income—a fun path to a better tomorrow.

The world is counting on you to fulfill your potential and do your part. It is the most unselfish thing you can do.

Destiny Moves Step 8 (of 10)

Destiny Moves is a complete course which I've developed and will use in upcoming live 2 day workshops; bronze, silver and gold editions so be watching for that and be sure to attend which one that suits your desires when I am doing one "close" to your area. You can request more details using the contact form on this page. And please, leave your comments and questions at the end of this article if you choose. 

Napoleon Hill states in his book, Think and Grow Rich how if we do not first see great riches in our imagination we will not see it in our bank balance. And I add to this stating that this is also true not only for money, but in every area of our lives; in every area of what I have called The Major 8™ of which I describe in great detail in my other writings. Hill also stated that our only limitations are those which we set up in our own minds. In this Step 7 of Destiny Moves, we will deliberately set up what it is which we desire to image in our minds to later hold in our hands.

If you do not or will not image it, you will not hold it. 
Ter Scott, Life & Legacy Coach™.

In your meditation time, when you have gone through the steps to achieve the most quiet, clear and meditative state, you will focus on and express and emphasize your “true value”. 

Earlier I mentioned the Major 8™ and number eight is all about having a feeling of importance and respect. There was a time where I sought respect from others until I realized that it was my responsibility to create my own respect for myself first. In this eighth Destiny Move you will consider your own true value; yes, you have value. You simply must accept it, build it and show it. The world is counting on you to fulfill your potential and do your part. You are part of its whole and you were born with a purpose; a destiny. Living your destiny is the most unselfish thing you can do because doing so is doing your part in the entire overall plan for the world.

There are three things in which you’ll meditate on which are having poise in all situations, confidence in all situations, and doing it all with magnetism to attract all good things and good results.

In your quiet time, recite these words seven times. I am born with a great destiny. Today I give something from myself which is truly of a great value and in return I receive great riches such as money, fame, friendship, satisfaction and joy; all as reward for being me and all I can be.

After your quiet meditation, write those words on a 3 x 5 card and carry with you to read them throughout your day; especially just before you have an opportunity to use their power to give you poise, confidence and magnetic results. You can also write something very specific in what you are giving and what you will receive for what you are giving; this is simply “planting and harvesting” which is natural. Being specific brings specific results.
This Destiny Move achieves great results for you when you look at your image in a mirror while you are saying these words. You can “sing” these words too while you are looking at your image. You can also carry a “before” and “after” picture of your image of where you were and where you want to be; looking at the “future you” as you recite this meditation.

Can you keep a secret?

Some of these Destiny Moves are meant to be for you and you alone. Joel Osteen, in his book The Power of I Am, states that we should be as bold as David; not in front of other people but in private and say, “I am amazing, I am wonderful. I am valuable.” And he goes on to say that when we talk like that, amazing comes chasing us down!

Your quiet times are your quiet times. Your affirmations and your “assignments” are yours because after all, this is all about your destiny and no one else’s. They play a part in your life and on your life path (and that is why your responsibility is to walk the path and fulfill your destiny) however, they cannot get inside you and be you; “no one can do your own push ups”.

Your assignment then is to look in the mirror in the morning and night and also throughout your day with your pocket mirror and say, “I have a secret. I am ___________________. 

You can fill in the blank with things like confident, a great singer, beautiful, wanted, attractive, rich, friendly and have many friends; anything which you desire to have come about in your life.

Note to reader: Did you like what you’ve read? This is an excerpt of my book soon to be published, Destiny Moves™. It will be available for purchase on Amazon shortly. Would you like to know when it is available for free? Request to be notified using the contact form on this page.

Ter Scott is available to speak at your next event, and even via online! Use the contact information on this page to request details.

This card is yours. Print this page, cut the card to fit in your pocket and take to you next pharmacy visit to save up to 90% on your prescriptions; it even works for your pet meds. 

Your Destiny Includes Learning New Things. Here's how.

Before we move forward, allow me to congratulate you for coming this far. And then take a moment to congratulate yourself; that’s even better. If you have received something of value up to this point, I hope you’ll take a moment and visit online and share your comments with others.

I’d like to know your stories and what your results are when you have gone through one or several weeks of this daily meditation routine. Peoples fears have been resolved through doing this procedure and years have been dissolved with participants feeling and looking younger.

Can you believe that we are only starting on Step 6 of Destiny Moves? We did a lot in the first five steps and we still have a lot more. Let’s go.

You may have heard that “Knowledge is power”. But that’s only part of the equation.   Certainly you always want to add to your learning and thereby continue to be a “lifelong learner”. Some people never pick up a text book after they graduate from high school or college. Sadly, we still “pick up” on the “garbage” which is thrown at us at an alarming rate and what really “stinks” is that we are accepting it.

From here out “test” things and research things coming your way before you espouse your opinion. For me, I’m learning to “count to ten” or even wait a day before responding and replying to things on social media. Another thing, I would encourage you not to absorb any social media while eating or just before you go to sleep; because “absorb” you will.

Every day in your lifelong learning, learn a new word, a new world, a new song, learn to play “something” on an instrument or simply learn something about that instrument, or memorize a poem. You can “Journal” your thoughts and interview people. And even if you are an artist or you think you cannot draw a straight line; “try” to. You may surprise yourself; and others!
It’s easy today to learn new things because of the advance of the Internet and the search engines which bring answers to our questions in seconds. My challenge is that I want it all and I want it now. That’s not the best way to learn however. Choose to learn words on week one, culture in countries on week two, instruments on week three and how to create lasting relationships on week four; you get the idea. Just have fun with learning. And be sure to share what you’ve learned. It’s been said that we really don’t “know” something unless we can explain it to others. Use your new word in conversation. Continue with the new things you’ve learned and soon you’ll become an expert in another area.

When you are in a meditative state, ask what to learn and for assistance in learning, remembering and using your new found knowledge. This is also when you may want to ask for solutions in dealing with situations you are currently working on.  

Note to reader: Did you like what you’ve read? This is an excerpt of my book soon to be published, Destiny Moves™. It will be available for purchase on Amazon shortly. Would you like to know when it is available for free? Request to be notified using the contact form on this page.

Ter Scott is available to speak at your next event, and even via online! Use the contact information on this page to request details.

The above card is all set to take to your pharmacy and save up to 90%.
Just print it, cut it into size and carry with you for your next visit.

How to Save Your Business During Turbulent Times

Hello. My name is Terry Scott, some know me as Ter Scott. I have worked with business owners offline and online for over 20 years and more with creative marketing strategies, money making tips and so much more.

Online and offline with physical store front and in home type businesses
This is an organization that you, even with a “simple” network marketing type of a business; any business which requires you to complete a 1040 form, these tips are for you.

When you have a small business, any of which I’ve described, as long as you are treating it like a business and not a hobby and of course the traditional small business owners along main street USA these tips are for you.

I am recording this in March of 2020 in response to businesses being ordered to shut down because of the corona virus.

It is also an election year.

Both of these things can and will have severe impact on your business.

Be smart, be safe and be sane.

Become an NFIB Member today. 

If you are not a member you should be.

If you are a member, please open and read your emails.

If a membership rep stops at your business, know that he or she will be brief and get your input on issues which will pertain to your business. They will tell you in a very concise manner what NFIB is and how you can join. The yearly membership fee is very very affordable and in my opinion, membership is as important as any other aspect of your business and part of the cost of running a business.

When you are asked to rejoin each year, you’ll continue getting all of the benefits. Again in my opinion, if you didn’t “see the value of membership” you are missing something; NFIB is the most powerful advocacy group fighting for your business, to keep you in business, than any other organization in America. 

Regardless whether you “saw” value, believe me, you’ve received far more value than you might imagine. Allow the membership rep to briefly show you a few things that NFIB has done for you and your business, in your state and across the USA to protect your right to own operate and grow your businesses. And then do your part by opening and reading your emails and voting the ballots on the issues important to you and your small business.

So I’ve explained that whether you are a business owner with a small work at home business, a multilevel business owner, a contractor, a mom and pop store owner, a business owner employing a hundred people or more; we all need to be members of NFIB. When a membership rep visits, hear him or her out because no one has a better handle on the latest issues than NFIB for your small business. 

Then become a member. 

If you are unable to become a member at that moment, take the membership member’s phone number and be sure to call him or her when you pay bills that week and process your membership over the phone. If you are a member you may get a phone call requesting your renewal to be processed over the phone. That’s great because this saves you time and allows your NFIB rep to be out getting new members. As a small business owner, this is exactly what you want; more business owners joining you in the fight for small business!

Having a real voice at your state and federal level, again in my opinion, has never been more important than today. Become an NFIB member and be sure to renew your membership every year.

During this time of business hours being shortened or shut down temporarily, it is so important to be an NFIB member and to stay a member. As a small business owner, with the government deciding how to deal with the corona virus, you want your voice to be heard. NFIB is “your seat at the table” and it’s been said that “if you aren’t seated at the table, you will be eaten”.

When you become a member with a rep walking through your door or when you are called to renew, I will not get one penny. I am sharing this important message at this crucial time because I believe so much in what NFIB is doing and will do for you, that I wanted to create this video.

NFIB is fighting for your business to survive this corona virus and this 2020 election. I also have to tell you that I am in no way, speaking for NFIB in an official capacity.

Having owned many businesses myself, and being a business adviser I absolutely love business and helping business. And, I also love business helping business.

I am also an NFIB rep.

If this message makes sense to you, and you do not currently have a local membership rep yet, contact me. I will get you started for this year and from this point forward you’ll get all your membership benefits and you’ll be assigned a rep in the future.

Contact me using the contact form on this page or using the information in the image below to get started right away.

Together let’s join other business owners in your local community, your state and your country to fight for what’s right for small business.

I know it is so easy to watch a video like this and put off acting. I’m going to make it so easy for you to take action.

Use my link below to see what you’ll get as a member of NFIB. Then contact me for a low, first year membership fee which will be very affordable. Yes, I can get you a very acceptable rate for your very first year which offers you everything any other member receives. Then next year after you’ve used all the benefits and voted the ballots, you can decide what is feasible for your renewal. Sound fair?

I’m going to give you a reason to act now, today.

When you use my contact information and allow me to process your membership, I’m going to give you a bundle of free things which will help your business grow in turbulent times. I won’t tell you what they are, but you’ll see a link for those too. (They may change over time so I won’t mention them here).
So click the links below and let’s start the conversation.

Make it a great day and let’s keep your business striving in these turbulent times.

Terry (Ter) Scott!

PS. As a membership rep (I.D. # 3A687), I am only speaking for myself in this message and in this video. I am not officially speaking for the organization or anyone who is affiliated with this great organization. 

Also, again know that you can enroll as a member or renew your membership when a local membership rep visits or calls you. You can also enroll at NFIB.com. If you are already a member, please renew when your rep visits or you get a call. My message and this special bonus is for new members only. 


During financial downturns and turbulent times, business owners need to be frugal and watch expenses and take advantage of all income sources. They may need more cash flow. Here's a way to capture monies owed to you that you most likely do not know about. 


CLICK IMAGE to find monies your company has missed out on and how to capture current tax savings, and more! 

Many business owners (even when they have stellar tax professionals and CPAs) miss out on these tax savings every year. Right now, as you are reading this sentence, tax savings your business qualifies for may be expiring. Click on the image below to visit our secured site with a tax calculator which in just moments will reveal hidden tax monies for your business. Only when you win and have monies coming to you does Stryde make anything. You can only lose by putting this off. Enter a few numbers and voila! You'll see what you've been missing! 

How is the Corona Virus Affecting Small Business as of March 16, 2020?

NFIB has over 300,000 members across the USA. We offer quick insights as to what is helping or hurting small business owners and work with them by being their voice at their state capital and in Washington DC. 

This survey was conducted with a random sample of NFIB’s membership database of about 300,000 small business owners. The survey was conducted by email between March 10-11, 2020. NFIB collected 300 usable responses, all small employers with 1-120 employees. 

The vast majority of small businesses (74%) are not currently impacted by the coronavirus outbreak. However, the coronavirus outbreak is negatively impacting about 23% of small business owners. Three percent are positively impacted. 
Of those small business owners not currently impacted, 43% anticipate their business being impacted if the coronavirus outbreak spreads to, or spreads more broadly in, their immediate area over the next three months. Twenty percent do not expect to be impacted if the outbreak spreads, and another 37% are not sure.
Of those businesses negatively impacted, 39% are experiencing supply chain disruptions, 42% slower sales, and 4% sick employees. The 4% of owners citing sick employees likely responded this way out of heightened concern and precautions with sick employees showing some signs of cold or flu-like symptoms, not necessarily because they have employees who have tested positive for the virus.
To keep abreast of what the important and topical issues are which pertain to small business, please consider joining. We make the membership fees so affordable (look at suggested membership fees below). 

If you would like to become a member and join other small businesses across this great USA, please contact Terry Scott (contact info is below). 

Sometimes all a child needs is a crayon...

Sometimes all a child needs is a crayon and something to color. 

I want you to have three coloring sheets from this book at no cost! 

First Fun Find ALPHABET Color Pages will be completed and published on Amazon very soon. Anyone who requests the 3 free coloring pages, will also be notified when the book is published at the discounted rate of only 99 cents before it goes to the regular price of $5.99. 

All you need to do is let me know that you want the three free coloring pages with your name and email by using the contact form on this page. (I'll use your email to send you the link to get you your three free coloring sheets and notify you when the book is published).

The only favor I ask in return is that when the book is published on Amazon, that you'll run there right away and leave your feedback; even if you choose not to order it for the low price of 99 cents.



Use the contact form on this page right now. Oh, and you can print off your three pages as much as you want to give to as many kids as you would like! Please give me some time to reply because I'm doing this all manually.


Coaches get Ter Scott's entire Weight Management Method, Meditate Your IDEAL Weight for just a Buck.

Coaches, get this entire system plus the bonuses for only a buck! Really. Then use it as a promotion to get more clients or as an "add on" 
to something you are doing for your clients. Watch the video to see how. 

So you've watched the video. To you (as a Coach) get the entire system for a buck by using the Contact Form on this page and say that you are a coach and that you want the entire Meditate Your IDEAL Weight Program for just a buck. Also let me know what week and month you want to use the system as an offer to your clients for half off. This is optional of course. You can get it for a buck and never share it, but why not? As coaches we're all about helping others right? And if I select your testimonial or video testimonial, this will add credibility in the eyes of your clients too! 

To see the Meditate Your IDEAL Weight System and it's regular pricing (at this time; because it will be going up very soon because it is worth at least ten times the price when considering alternative programs; which haven't worked) visit here. But don't purchase it until you get your code so you can get everything for just a buck. 

If I missed something and you have questions, feel free to put them in the comments below. 

Ter Scott Life & Legacy Coach offers book, Healthy Happy You at no cost.

Find Your IDEAL Weight!

Here is your copy of Healthy Happy You that you heard me mention in my video.

of Healthy Happy You. 

2. Inside your copy of Healthy Happy You , 
you'll find your coupon code to 
receive an additional 30% off the already discounted price 
for most talked about weight management program* on the internet, 
Meditate Your IDEAL Weight. 

3. CLICK TO GO TO THE SITE to read more about Meditate Your IDEAL Weight, and 
use your coupon code to get three more amazing bonuses! 

Although the process of acquiring your IDEAL weight has existed for thousands of years, I or any affiliates do not claim that this is a "cure all" and you should always consult a health professional when undertaking any program having to do with your health. 

You've suffered long enough. I'm making it sooooooooooo easy to check this out. You get the free book Happy Healthy You, and who doesn't want that ??? Print it and use what you read to change your life. When you change "You" your world changes. 

Then use the coupon code, just by believing in yourself enough to just believing that you can be happy and by downloading Happy Healthy You, I am rewarding you with a fabulous discount of 30% off the most talked about new weight management system on the planet, 
Meditate Your IDEAL Weight. Go there now. 

Start every Thursday Visualizing the Day in Beauty, then Live it.

Every Thursday, start your day being grateful color and beauty. To into your meditation using the steps outlined earlier and then state that today you will be gratefully aware of all the beauty around you. Take a different route to work today, walk in a park during your lunch time or after work and really make a concerted effort to not only “look” but to “see”. When you see that colored leaf or flower, stop with wonder and amazement as if you are a child and look closely at its shape and the lines and texture it offers. While meditating visualize yourself doing these things and then later actually do them. This act will increase manifesting of other things in your life because you first said them, visualized them and they came about!

Say these affirmations out loud while in your quiet time and later write them in full or in a few key words on a 3 x 5 card to review and do throughout your day.

I am one with all beauty.
I am aware of my inner spiritual beauty which I radiate outwardly blessing all I meet, see and think about.
I am in awe of the beauty of the multicolored flowers, birds, trees, oceans, rivers and lakes.
I am conscious of the overwhelming beauty of which I am a part of in nature, and I am in harmony with the mystical forces which create its majesty and wonder, and I “confess to bless” by consciously being part of it, one with it respecting, approving and honoring it all.

Ter Scott! Life & Legacy Coach™

Note to reader: Did you like what you’ve read? This is an excerpt of my book soon to be published, Destiny Moves™. It will be available for purchase on Amazon shortly. Would you like to know when it is available for free? Request to be notified using the contact form on this page.