Welcome to your Source for Odd and Usual but Practical Information!

I'll tell you the same thing I told my friend about finding a job

... here's a career! 

I know this applies to most people reading this (otherwise, why are you here?), yet only a few will check it out. That's the way it is in life; people make excuses. You can enjoy all the negative comments by those who offer their "2 cents" worth about opportunities presented on Facebook, or ... 

For those who really want to change their life and financial future with true work and life balance, read this letter I sent to a business associate in response to his request. This might be the "Whack on the Side of the Head" you need. 


Dear Friends

I want to let you know that after 3 years, I have been terminated as a Team Leader with (COMPANY NAME) effective today.  No reason was given and no warnings of unsatisfactory work were presented for correction.  
Conversely, I was a top producer for (COMPANY NAME) and the other (COMPANY NAME) services, my agent relationships were solid and my agent training skills were great.  My knowledge of the services were thorough and as I  mentioned previously...no reason was given for this abrupt termination.

I want you to hear the news from me directly as I value our time together.  I also want to stay in touch with you.  You folks have been like family to me and I really enjoyed speaking with you.

I can be reached at ..... and my email is ....

I invite you to reach out to me with opportunities you may have and I will take the liberty of doing the same.  Together lets' make some money and have fun at the same time

Your Friend



Hello Jim.

I saw your email stating that you are no longer with (COMPANY NAME); for whatever reason. Sometimes we never know “what’s up” but in my life, I’ve always believed “this or something better” and looking back I see how “ending” my past positions with employers either by me or them, have all prepared me for and opened doors to something better.

I’m sure you are being inundated with offers because as you were my coach with (COMPANY NAME), I know you to have great people skills and talents. I wasn’t able to get any traction with (COMPANY NAME)but over six months ago I was hired by NFIB, National Federation of Independent Business. Of what I know about you, I think it would be a great fit for you.

In a very short time, again I’ve been a membership rep for just over 6 months now, I’ve earned very good pay (on track to earn $100,000 this year), earned bonuses and trips; basically, in my mind, just for doing my job. I’ve never been involved with a company like this before. NFIB has high integrity and treats everyone like royalty; the members and employees.

I’m a membership rep so I visit small business owners, tell the NFIB story and get paid. There are also other positions which may interest you.

I suggest first looking at what NFIB is (here’s link), checking them out at Glassdoor (here’s link) and then “apply” for the membership rep position in an area closest to your location. I live in Superior, Wisconsin and applied for Duluth, Minnesota, which is across the bridge on the border and got hired for the Wisconsin side. After you apply, they’ll find a spot for you. Please let them know that I, Terry Scott referred you. BTW, I’m also now a trainer and will travel around the country to train new hires so I might have the privilege to help you with your success.
If this is an interest to you, by all means, check it out. I’m very pleased to be part of NFIB and feel that I’m really helping in the success of small business by showing them how to have a voice at their state capital and in Washington D.C.

If you have any questions, feel free to contact me. (It’s best if you check out NFIB.com and Glassdoor.com before calling me so you have a better picture of what everything is about).

Also, in your networking if you find anyone else who may be interested in becoming a membership rep with NFIB, please pass this on so they can follow the same steps.

Make it a great day!

Terry (Ter) Scott 
(contact me via the Contact Form somewhere on this page). 

PS. You don’t have to be a “sales” person or even know about the issues or be “political”. If you can tell a story teller, you can be successful.

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