Welcome to your Source for Odd and Usual but Practical Information!

Sadly, Amazon closed our Associate's Account...

You'll see Amazon links to products on this blog which the FTC tells every blogger to state that we will earn a fee when a sale is made (like "duh") and then Amazon cuts you off so a blogger has all these links which benefit Amazon and not the blogger who placed them there.

I got this WARNING when trying to create more Amazon ads and links to post on my blog:

The e-mail/mobile number you are using is not connected to an Associates account. If the account was previously connected, please check your email inbox as the account may have been closed. Contact us with any questions.

Then I went to my email to search and found this:

We are writing to notify you that your Associates Program application has been rejected and you will no longer have access to Associates Central.

This action was taken because we have not yet received qualified sales activities from your account. As a reminder, Accounts that have not referred three qualified sales within in 180-days of sign-up are automatically rejected.

You are free to reapply to the Associates Program at any time, but we recommend only doing so if your website receives consistent traffic. You can access the application here:

We wish you the best of luck with your website in the future.

Here is my "rant" I placed on Facebook, hoping Amazon sees it. I know that they are "set" in their ways and have their "policy" but this is what I (and I'm sure others) think of their policy. A change could only benefit the blogger and Amazon:

Amazon, I hope that you are reading social media and will reconsider your policy. Amazon closes an Associate's Account because they are not getting enough business. But why? It doesn't cost Amazon a cent to keep it open and as anyone knows, it takes time for any business to start making sales; even an online business or blog. The worse part is that the blog(s) still contain Amazon links which make Amazon money as the blog grows but the Associate receives nothing. Amazon states that Associates should have a "following" before becoming an associate and I say that Amazon should consider more than 3 months for sales to happen; perhaps 12 months? What are your thoughts, anyone?

So, you'll continue to see Amazon ads in my blog posts and as the blog grows and more people see them and click them to visit and make a purchase, Amazon benefits. I truly love Amazon but I wish it would go both ways. Of course, my intent is to grow my audience (so please everyone, use the social media buttons below) so Amazon please allow more time for associates to get you and your advertisers sales; especially when it does not "hurt" Amazon in any shape or form to do so.

Can you attain wealth in just 7 days?

Read the first chapter of 7 Days to Wealth for free here.

Within this chapter, I mention several well-known people who have been my mentors.

I've placed links here which go directly to their sites where you can get free materials and of course, materials which you'll most likely want to invest.

I am also presenting Amazon books by each below and I thank you in advance for your purchases using the links provided which help support this site and allows me to offer free chapters of my book, 7 Days to Wealth.

If you have questions please use the contact form on this page. When you have comments, you may leave them below. Also, please use the social share buttons to increase awareness.

Take back your security online. Watch Informational Video.

I watched this video and was absolutely shocked. Many Americans are in big trouble with the wolves looking for you on the Internet to do irreversible damage to you and your family. 

Watch the video. If you want the guide, it is for sale and very inexpensive, get it.

If not, 
Your identity online and off may very well depend on it. 

WATCH THE VIDEO HERE. (If the video does not play on your laptop or desktop; for some reason it didn't on mine, it will play on your phone. Simply scan the QR code or use the tinyurl address in the pic below).  Also, please give video time to load.

Short Sermon, Pray for Protection...

Best Protection. Best Performance.
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We hear in the news of people being hurt and abused,
but how many times do we wake in the morning and ask for protection
and maybe even more importantly,
how many times do we give thanks at night for having been?

Answer to why the Universe is in Harmony and Man sometimes is not.


The answer is - nature is more harmonious than man because it accepts the wisdom and power of the Infinite Intelligence that guides all things. It has a desire to expand and grow. And it cooperates with the Creative Spirit because it knows and believes that every good need will be met.

It does not worry needlessly about tomorrow because it has faith and believes that, The Secret of Success is considered and allowed to guide and develop everything, tomorrow will always be better than today.

The above is excerpted from, The Secret of Success by R.C. Allen. You may want to get a copy.

Will you try your very best today to look at things differently; as the Universe does. When you do and live your life accordingly, you too will live in harmony.

Hello. My name is Ter Scott. I'm the Life & Legacy Coach. I want to share with you how you can live in harmony and get what you desire in life and I am currently offering a free, no obligation, 30-minute phone session for you to find out how. Simply purchase my latest (PDF Version) book, 31 Days of Cosmos' Wisdom and you'll get details about my free phone session.

*When you purchase your copy of 31 Days of Cosmos' Wisdom, be sure to request your no-fee 30-minute phone session: https://answersfromcosmos.blogspot.com/2019/04/get-31-days-of-cosmos-wisdom-at-half.html

Listen to my Healed Healthy Whole Affirmation video on Youtube while falling asleep tonight.

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Manifestation Magic

7 Day Prayer Miracle

Why doesn't man always enjoy the same poise, serenity and peace that the Universe enjoys?

The mighty tides of the ocean ebb and flow twice daily in perfect rhythm and harmony. The stars and planets race through space at terrific speeds, yet they are always in their proper place.

Why is that true? Why do so many things in nature live harmoniously and successfully while man will so often experience confusion, anxiety, and fear?


Hello. My name is Ter Scott. I'm the Life & Legacy Coach. How would you like to live your life "on track", with both wisdom and balance? You can you know. Why not take me up on my special offer. (This offer may be removed at any time, so I apologize in advance if you read this and it is expired).

I use a track which I've personally developed, which I call the Major 8. When you are doing well in all 8 areas you have balance. Let's discuss where you are in these 8 areas. To get a free phone session with me, simply purchase my newest (PDF Version) of my book, 31 Days of Cosmos' Wisdom and you'll also receive details on scheduling your call.

*When you purchase your copy of 31 Days of Cosmos' Wisdom, be sure to request your no-fee 30-minute phone session: https://answersfromcosmos.blogspot.com/2019/04/get-31-days-of-cosmos-wisdom-at-half.html

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Fall asleep tonight to the affirmation: I am Healed Healthy Whole video on Youtube. Do you know someone who needs healing? Play this video in the background while they are awake, or asleep. It is on Youtube here.

Manifestation Magic

7 Day Prayer Miracle

TurboTax, please improve your system, and have longer business hours...

As an entrepreneur, I don't have regular hours where I can access TurboTax and I need to complete my taxes when I can. This morning I started my taxes with TurboTax and all went well until I tried updating my password.

I got locked out.
I wasn't able to talk to a human.
I wasn't able to contact via a message box or email.

So I did what I could do, not maliciously in any way because I love TurboTax (this is my 8th year!). I posted this on Facebook:

Turbo Tax, please, I hope you are watching social media and see this. I was trying to change my password and you have 3 boxes; the third being another "confirmation". The first two worked and the third kept coming up as "incorrect".

I wanted to let someone know that this would not have been the case if I was able to see what I was typing when typing, instead of the ".....". Now I'm locked out for 15 minutes. That is bad, very bad.

Then did a search and I tried using your "contact page" and your box doesn't allow for enough characters to explain my situation. When I enter a one-word message, I get a page that states that you open at 9 a.m. Pacific time. Right now it is 5:28 a.m. Central time and doing taxes online is all about convenience; I can not be at my computer during YOUR office hours.

My suggestion is that you have some staff available 24 hours around the clock, at least during the month of April. This is my 8th year with Turbo Tax and I love the ease of use but this is not. Please improve your system.

Now I continue my day without moving forward on my taxes. I will try again late tonight or early tomorrow morning; after and before TurboTax opens :(

1,000s of People lost jobs this week, that's good!

When a door closes, another opens! 

Got a minute this weekend? Check this out... 

Hi. My name is Terry (Ter) Scott.

Thank you to those who have contacted the HR department this week concerning these open positions in all 50 states. 

You may not be looking but, whom do you know who is "good people", who are underemployed, a self-starter and likes to work without being micro-managed and get paid well for doing so? You live in MN and have a relative in FL? Live in MA and know someone in TN? It doesn't matter, share this with them and we'll do the rest! 

Make it a great day! 
