Welcome to your Source for Odd and Usual but Practical Information!

How Many Upside-Down Christmas Trees did you find in the video?

If you are reading this, you must have seen the 
Wacky Christmas tree video
Did you like it? I had fun with it. 

So what is your count of the number of upside-down trees? 
If you counted 3, you are right: 

Regardless of whether you counted 1, 2, 3 or more, everyone gets the card. I love this card; it really works. Print it, trim to size and carry in your wallet or purse and present it when you purchase your prescriptions. The same card works for all in your family. To use it, first, have the pharmacy clerk tell you how much the cost of your meds are and then ask them to run the card. I think you'll be pleasantly surprised. I know that I am every time I use it! 

For more details on the card, visit: www.terscott.com/incarerx 

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 by entering your email and receive 
regular tips, articles, and methods on 
improving your business and life in general!

Test Drive

Be Part of a Global Event January 2019!


Are you kidding me? I was all set to buy the event tickets, get my plane tickets, and fly from Wisconsin to Los Angeles to be there live. Then I found out that this is a "live streaming event"; and for only $197 for the 4 days, I got ecstatic! Ter Scott! Life & Legacy Coach
At The Art of Goal Achieving, you’ll discover how to set the ‘right’ goal — a goal that really excites you — and then follow a unique, systematic process to achieve it.
This seminar synthesizes decades of study, application and teaching to lay a solid foundation for understanding goal achievement, including the creative process of life, which is governed by exact laws.
Over the course of the two-and-a-half-day seminar, Bob and Sandy will walk you through an orderly process — one that is based on natural laws — for achieving any goal that truly excites you.
Once you understand the art of goal achieving, you will set goals that are based on wants, not needs. Your goals will be big and beautiful, and you’ll have the faith and awareness you need to attain them.
To people across the globe, the name Bob Proctor is synonymous with success. Long before his role in the movie The Secret sent him into the realm of superstardom, he was already a legendary figure in the world of personal development. His insights, inspiration, ideas, systems, and strategies are the dimes on which countless lives have spun — the sparks that have ignited career transformations, personal epiphanies, inner awakenings, and the creation of million-dollar fortunes the world over.
Bob is the heir to the legacy of the modern science of success that began with the financier and philanthropist Andrew Carnegie. Carnegie’s great challenge to the young reporter Napoleon Hill to discern a formula for success fueled Hill’s creation of the renowned book Think and Grow Rich. Upon discovering this book at the age of 26, Bob’s life changed in an instant, leading him on his own quest for the secrets of success. That quest led him to Earl Nightingale, the famed “Dean of Personal Development” who soon became Bob’s colleague and mentor. Today, Bob continues to build upon and spread the remarkable teachings of these three giants.
As a speaker, author, consultant, coach, and mentor, Bob Proctor works with business entities and individuals around the world, instilling within them not only the mental foundations of success and the motivation to achieve, but also the actionable strategies that will empower them to grow, improve, and thrive in today’s ever-changing world. Through the Proctor Gallagher Institute, Bob, Sandy Gallagher, and their team teach the principles, strategies and fundamentals that help people and organizations create the results they want in life… results that STICK.

Little Known Big Contests & Sweeps WIN A TENOR UKULELE

Here is the latest contest posted at Little Known Big Contests & Sweeps! Visit frequently, they always have cool stuff to win!

Click on Pic to register (if not expired), however

CLICK HERE to go to the site which updates with awesome contests weekly!

Ride with Ter Scott to the Jack Canfield ONE DAY TO GREATNESS Event in Minneapolis

Jack Canfield is Coming to Minnesota to Change Your Life! 
And Ter Scott, MONEY - MARKETING - MOTIVATION is inviting you on the ALL POSITIVE ROAD TRIP! 

Join Ter Scott on a road trip from Duluth MN to Minneapolis MN on the morning of October 11th, 2018

Road Trip with Ter Scott, MONEY-MARKETING-MOTIVATION down to the Jack Canfield, ONE DAY TO GREATNESS event, from Duluth to Mpls. the morning of the event. 

“I have space for up to 5 people. First get your ticket online at Jack’s site, and email me using GREATNESS in the subject line or call me. Calculate your cost to drive yourself there and back and pay me half. We’ll make a quick pit stop in Hinckley if necessary and I will pick up people on the way down but you have to meet somewhere close to the highway”. 

This is a great way for us to meet each other, network and share “all positive” down and back! 
Purchase your ticket(s) If you purchase your ticket and all 5 seats are taken, you’ll have to drive yourself; and we’ll see you there! (I don’t get a cent from Jack for doing this; it’s my own gig). 
Contact me via email using GREATNESS in the subject line so I find you or call me (the contact details are below). 

That’s it. 

I have 5 seats available. 

We’ll leave at 5 a.m. and get there around 8 which will give us enough time to register and get settled. We may have a quick pit stop at Tobies or Hardees in Hinckley if needed. On the way home we’ll stop somewhere to eat. I’m open to picking you up between Duluth and Minneapolis if we can meet at a highway exit. 

Calculate how much it would cost you in gas if you drove and pay me half. 

The van is a “No negative zone” where we can meet each other, network and share on the way down and on the way back with likeminded, positive people. This is my first time doing this and if it “works” I’ll do it again. 

I will be attending the VIP package ($399) but you don’t have to. There is also the $140 event option which right now (last time I looked at the website) you could also have a guest (2 for 1 price). The event is 90% filled now so buy your tickets, contact me to see if there is still room and we’ll work out the details! 

Ter Scott!  

About Jack Canfield and the event: 

Learn how to take your career, your income, and your personal life to the next level in this rare one-day workshop with NY Times bestselling author and award-winning speaker, Jack Canfield!

You’ll discover the proven success-building techniques that CEOs, world-class athletes, celebrities and everyday people around the world have used to propel themselves to incredible heights of personal achievement – and how to use these principles to dramatically improve results in all areas of your life.

Jack is a true master who has helped hundreds of thousands of people achieve success, increase their confidence, live with purpose, and realize their dreams—NOW IT’S YOUR TURN!

Get tickets here. (No I don’t get a cent from Jack on this; it’s my POSITIVE ROAD TRIP Gig). ONE DAY TO GREATNESS    

Image result for ter scott


The Success Principles
Don't miss this exclusive VIP event – SEATS ARE LIMITED and WILL SELL OUT FAST! This is your opportunity to attend a rare one-day success building workshop with Jack Canfield, best-selling author, and America's #1 Success Coach. 


Jack will share the most powerful techniques he has seen propel CEOs, world-class athletes, celebrities and everyday people around the world to levels of personal success and achievement they could have only dreamed about. 

One Day to Greatness is a packed 1-day workshop designed to teach you the proven, step-by-step success strategies to that will dramatically improve your life and career! 

Get the Tools and Teaching You Need to Apply Jack's Proven Success Principles in Your Life and: 

• Boost your income 
• Excel in your business, job or career 
• Create vision and purpose in your life 
• Connect with your gift and talents 
• Improve your relationships 
• Experience new levels of happiness 
• Reach your full potential – and MORE! 

You deserve to have, and be, exactly what you want - let Jack Canfield help you get there!

If you never worked with Jack in person before, you will be blown away by the experience – and if you have attended one of Jack’s live events, you will love this opportunity to reconnect with his teachings and reinforce your priorities and commitment to your dreams. 

Come prepared to learn, explore, and discover a life of possibility. You will leave this workshop with strategies you can immediately put into place in your life! 

VIP and 2-for-1 tickets available for a limited time at www.JackCanfieldLive.com

This Facebook Page Boasts (Successful) Members from All Over the World!

At Last - Crack The Code and Get Your Share of Uncle Sam's $300 Billion Small Business Credit Warchest Add To Cart


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Here's a note I shared with the members this morning:

Hello members! I don't get in here real often but I hope that you do.

As a member in good standing, you can post your ad here but don't forget to also post the same ad here: https://www.facebook.com/freeusaclassifieds/.

As a member here you can place a display ad there where the others can only place a "classified" type ad. Put a note on your calendar to visit here several times weekly to bless and support others and their businesses. If you have questions or ideas, let me know. Finally, tell others about this Facebook page. Again as a member in good standing, you can state on your web page, blog, "As Seen in Free USA Classified Ads" with a link (https://www.facebook.com/groups/1380605245394409).

It really is a big deal to be a member here; we have members from all over the world so build relationships. Make it a great day friends!

Ter Scott!
Bricks to Clicks Marketing Consultant

Discover The New Secret to Getting Business Credit Even If Your Bank Won't Lend You $1 Today... Imagine what having an extra $10,00 in credit could do for your business...

Click here for more details.

Email Finder for Skip Tracers; and now you!

The Ultimate Email Research Site On The Internet For Finding Email Addresses and Doing Reverse Searches.


NOTE: We are a full service company. If your search does not turn up what you are looking for, just email us and we will gladly help you find it. Your satisfaction is very important to us! The above are only examples of how a real search might work.

To view the complete, members only database links area of our service you must first purchase an EmailFinder Membership. Membership is a one time only charge of $19.95 and allows you unlimited access to our entire network to do as many searches as you like. Searches are totally private - no one will know you are researching them.


Podcasts are now the way to increase your awareness in everything "entrepreneurial".

Congratulations Tom (Antion) for your already successful podcast launch, Screw the Commute. And, I'm pleased and privileged to be part of the launch and able to share it with my readers here.

Everyone, if you've never listened to a podcast before Tom has made it really easy to learn how; it's free at his site. https://www.ScrewTheCommute.com

Also, consider subscribing to Screw the Commute.

Tom Antion’s new podcast: The entrepreneurial podcast, dedicated to getting you out of the car and into the money! 

I just subscribed to a great new podcast from well-known, long-time
Internet marketer Tom Antion. It's an entrepreneurial podcast called
"Screw the Commute" hahaha

Here's the link on Itunes and Google

Apple podcasts https://goo.gl/FVLK5m
Google Play Music https://goo.gl/bMSeP5

I think you’ll like it!

Ter Scott!
Life & Legacy Coach™
Bricks to Clicks Marketing Consultant™

Tom’s got everything covered; check out his social media pages:
If you like the podcasts, you’ll love the Private Facebook group (we’re I’m a member!). Check out Tom’s description and how to become a member here:
Don't miss Tom's new Podcast adventure, that is if you want to "screw the commute"!

Work from home, make more money, and really live your life!

I hate the commute, what about you?

Jobs are all over and available in most parts of the country but one thing most people will tell you that they hate; the commute!

I want all of my readers to know about a special release which takes place tomorrow:

It's clear that many jobs require that you spend a lot of time in the vehicle to and from. This is for those entrepreneurs, business owners, and work-at-home people. Tomorrow I will assist a friend, and mentor, Tom Antion in a launch for something very worthwhile. ENTREPRENEURSHIP, INTERNET MARKETING, PUBLIC SPEAKING and OTHER RESOURCES. #marketing #business #mentoring #publicspeaking Want to know more?

See you tomorrow! Ter Scott! Tom will teach how to "Screw the Commute"! 

Why was my ad/membership request denied?

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Free Classified Ads USA is a closed membership group where members post ads but also support each other too. To see if you qualify to become a member, please click here. Of course; anyone can post ads at the public site here

We safeguard the integrity of the group by vetting all who request membership. Here is a sample message people may receive when declined, however, we invite all to "correct" or update requirements and to try again:

Hello! You recently requested joining our Free Classifieds Private group.
Congrats! You are able to promote at this site: “Tell and Sell” Everywhere USA! This site is free for anyone. Simply post using this format: State, City and description (EX. MN/Duluth/Car for sale…) Businesses can also post but they must also be a member in good standing at our Business Members only site. For more details, please visit: http://terscottpromotes.blogspot.com/2018/04/get-free-advertising-on-these-two.html

Our Free Classifieds Private group is all about supporting each other in building our businesses (online and off). It is important that we safeguard our membership from spammers or those who wish harm. Thanks for your understanding. 

At this time we are declining your request for membership because of one or more of the following:

Not being a member of Facebook for at least one year.
Your Facebook page is not “Business Related”.
Your Facebook page has not been updated frequently or regularly.
Your profile picture does not present your “Business Image”.
(Feel free to correct any areas and try again): Additional details here.

Types of ads/opportunities we approve: 

This company still offers great products and quality for the price 
(and some but not all are available in stores but I know where they are!)

I purchase them for gifts and give to my business clients hereAnd because I’m “smart” I buy them at wholesale (you can too!)