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Be Part of a Global Event January 2019!


Are you kidding me? I was all set to buy the event tickets, get my plane tickets, and fly from Wisconsin to Los Angeles to be there live. Then I found out that this is a "live streaming event"; and for only $197 for the 4 days, I got ecstatic! Ter Scott! Life & Legacy Coach
At The Art of Goal Achieving, you’ll discover how to set the ‘right’ goal — a goal that really excites you — and then follow a unique, systematic process to achieve it.
This seminar synthesizes decades of study, application and teaching to lay a solid foundation for understanding goal achievement, including the creative process of life, which is governed by exact laws.
Over the course of the two-and-a-half-day seminar, Bob and Sandy will walk you through an orderly process — one that is based on natural laws — for achieving any goal that truly excites you.
Once you understand the art of goal achieving, you will set goals that are based on wants, not needs. Your goals will be big and beautiful, and you’ll have the faith and awareness you need to attain them.
To people across the globe, the name Bob Proctor is synonymous with success. Long before his role in the movie The Secret sent him into the realm of superstardom, he was already a legendary figure in the world of personal development. His insights, inspiration, ideas, systems, and strategies are the dimes on which countless lives have spun — the sparks that have ignited career transformations, personal epiphanies, inner awakenings, and the creation of million-dollar fortunes the world over.
Bob is the heir to the legacy of the modern science of success that began with the financier and philanthropist Andrew Carnegie. Carnegie’s great challenge to the young reporter Napoleon Hill to discern a formula for success fueled Hill’s creation of the renowned book Think and Grow Rich. Upon discovering this book at the age of 26, Bob’s life changed in an instant, leading him on his own quest for the secrets of success. That quest led him to Earl Nightingale, the famed “Dean of Personal Development” who soon became Bob’s colleague and mentor. Today, Bob continues to build upon and spread the remarkable teachings of these three giants.
As a speaker, author, consultant, coach, and mentor, Bob Proctor works with business entities and individuals around the world, instilling within them not only the mental foundations of success and the motivation to achieve, but also the actionable strategies that will empower them to grow, improve, and thrive in today’s ever-changing world. Through the Proctor Gallagher Institute, Bob, Sandy Gallagher, and their team teach the principles, strategies and fundamentals that help people and organizations create the results they want in life… results that STICK.

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