Welcome to your Source for Odd and Usual but Practical Information!

Podcasts are now the way to increase your awareness in everything "entrepreneurial".

Congratulations Tom (Antion) for your already successful podcast launch, Screw the Commute. And, I'm pleased and privileged to be part of the launch and able to share it with my readers here.

Everyone, if you've never listened to a podcast before Tom has made it really easy to learn how; it's free at his site. https://www.ScrewTheCommute.com

Also, consider subscribing to Screw the Commute.

Tom Antion’s new podcast: The entrepreneurial podcast, dedicated to getting you out of the car and into the money! 

I just subscribed to a great new podcast from well-known, long-time
Internet marketer Tom Antion. It's an entrepreneurial podcast called
"Screw the Commute" hahaha

Here's the link on Itunes and Google

Apple podcasts https://goo.gl/FVLK5m
Google Play Music https://goo.gl/bMSeP5

I think you’ll like it!

Ter Scott!
Life & Legacy Coach™
Bricks to Clicks Marketing Consultant™

Tom’s got everything covered; check out his social media pages:
If you like the podcasts, you’ll love the Private Facebook group (we’re I’m a member!). Check out Tom’s description and how to become a member here:
Don't miss Tom's new Podcast adventure, that is if you want to "screw the commute"!

Work from home, make more money, and really live your life!

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