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Relationships are "Mirrors" of us. Ter Scott, Life & Legacy Coach

52 Weeks of Awesome Assignments

This week I am sharing with you ways you can heal. Much of this content in this material comes from greater minds than mine; even though I believe I am a conduit to the Universal storehouse of knowledge. What I am sharing today is adapted from what I’ve learned from Louise L. Hay. Joe Vitale tells us that everything which happens to us is what we’ve alone created for us. Yes, good or bad, we are responsible for everything, every person, and every event. That may be too heavy or too advanced for some of us to grasp, and if this is so for you, please read this and take from it only what is meaningful and purposeful for you at this time. 

Louise says that relationships are “mirrors” of us. What we attract always mirrors either qualities we have or the beliefs that we have. What we believe about our boss, co-worker, employees, friends, lover , spouses and children are all mirrors; mirrors of our self. 

Here is an exercise I’ve borrowed directly from Louise which I use with my clients. As they would say in the old Mission Impossible series, “Here is your assignment; if you choose to accept it”. 

Think of someone in your life that bothers you. 

List three things about that person which you don’t like and would like him or her to change. 

Got the list? 

Now, look deeply inside yourself and ask, “When, where and how do I act just like that?” 

Then ask yourself if you are really “ready to change”? 

When you do this with all earnestness and work to complete and better yourself, you’ll find that you’ll change; or the other person will change or leave your life. 

I highly suggest that you do this exercise when you are doing your quiet time or in a meditative state as I present in my Destiny Moves material. Be still, and meditate good things. Then ask to be shown people you have situations with and then be shown these same situations in your own life where you can change first to then change others.

For those who complete this “assignment” you can essentially receive my coaching at “no fee”. Simply place your questions and comments in the box after this article and I will reply shortly. If you would like details on personal one on one coaching, use the Contact Form on this page.

Note to reader: Did you like what you’ve read? This is an excerpt of my book soon to be published, Destiny Moves™. It will be available for purchase on Amazon shortly. Would you like to know when it is available for free? Request to be notified using the contact form on this page.

Ter Scott is available to speak at your next event, and even via online! Use the contact information on this page to request details.

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