Welcome to your Source for Odd and Usual but Practical Information!

Copy, paste and email business friends in the Chamber, BNI and others. Simplify and De-stress. Free book.

The great news is that small business owners take pride not only in their own business but in the small business community as well. It’s the collaboration of business owners that makes the difference! If no us, when who?

It’s so important that we get the NFIB message out to as many business owners as possible; especially during this time. May I ask a favor? It is certainly optional. Below is content which you can copy and paste in your email. It includes a link to small business “helps” and even a free eBook every business owner should read, Simplify and De-stress. They do not have to join NFIB to get this; it is our way to help all small business owners during this time.

I’m asking everyone to please share this with at least three business people they know from the Chamber, BNI groups and others. Simply copy and paste and send via email. Again doing this is optional, but so is “success”; and the future success of our economy and country.
Either way, I encourage you to download the book as my gift and thanks to you and let me know any comments you may have about it at my blog: 

Sincerely, Ter Scott

Dear Business Friend,

You may or may not know of NFIB, The Federation of Independent Business. They are the “Voice of Small Business” in Washington DC and all 50 state capitals.

I’m forwarding this email to you because right now during this crucial time when many businesses are shut down, Terry Scott, the local NFIB rep for this area is helping all small businesses; members and nonmembers alike, with information and the links to the necessary government forms and webinars giving more clarity in what is going on.

If interested, here is the link to the information.  If you need further information, his contact information is there too.

It’s more important now than ever for business owners to stand should to should to get these issues resolved. Here is the link. 

It’s more important now than ever for business owners to stand should to should to get these issues resolved. So just for reading and sharing this email, Ter wants you to have this book, Simplify and De-stress, which has helped so many other business owners during this time. It’s free to download below.

Is having your business shut down causing stress? How about being shut in and not being free to do the things you want to do? I'm doing my part by giving you this free book, Simplify and De-stress. No strings attached, no cost and you don't even have to enter your email to get it. Just visit and download! :) https://askbusinessconsulting.blogspot.com/2020/04/ter-scott-business-consultant-and-life.html

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