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An Awesome Job Reference Thank You Card Example

It’s rare that people remember to thank the person who was a reference for your job interview even though they were a very important part in the process. Perhaps it’s because we know them well and frankly, we take them for granted. Let’s not do that anymore.

Here is a quick way to express your thanks that doesn’t take a ton of time and will be so appreciated.

I send a handwritten thank you card to their home address. If you don’t know the address you can usually find it at sites like truepeoplesearch.com. If you know their email address, do both; by email and a duplicate by snail mail.

I first compose my thoughts using a Word document.

I then copy and paste into an email and/or transpose it by hand by looking at it and writing it in a nice card. You can get cards cheaply at a “Dollar” type store or if you are in the habit of sending thank you notes (such as I do) you can buy them in bulk somewhere online.

Here’s an example:

Dear Annette,

I wanted to express my thanks in this way for your generous acceptance in 

being my reference recently.

I’m glad to say that I did get the job which will be an overnight “sleep” position 

(7 on and 7 off) at an adult assisted living home so I’ll still be free in the day time 

for my other activities.

It means a lot to me that you did this.

Thanks again.


Was this a very big job or promotion that resulted from getting this reference? Maybe something additional to a thank you card would be appropriate. Ask to take them to lunch without mentioning them being a reference and at the appropriate time, thank them again while handing them your card. You may even include a gift card in the envelope. If you think they may not accept the gift card, mail the thank you card to time it so they will receive it shortly after your coffee, lunch or dinner visit.

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