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Homestead sells for much less due to hoarding issues.


I’m the executor selling the homestead I grew up on; less acreage now as over the years Dad sold all but 75 acres. I’m currently in the process of selling it but there is one major issue; by two brothers who lived there for the past 20 years or so until Mom died last year never saw a “Free sign” they did not like. The result is about 5 of the acres is covered with junk trailers and debris of all sorts.

I’ve spent hours selling off the junk vehicles, burning what I could and salvaging any aluminum, copper and scrap metal I could but there is still much that needs to go “bye-bye” for most buyers to want it. The realtor got a bid to make it all pretty again at the price of $35,000! I was thinking maybe $10 or $20K but what do I know? What it is, is what it is, right?

When the place is sold, and after all of the fees (including $35K for cleanup), monies will be divided between four siblings. If they weren’t my brothers, I would bill them for the cleanup out of their portion. Right now I’ve got a counter offer in to someone who is interested in the property “as is”. I’m thinking I’ll go with it. Either way, the property would have brought more without the trash.

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So the moral of the story is, “When you see something free, if you don’t need it, it isn’t free”.