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Here is the "Inside Scoop" on being a Membership Rep for NFIB. Read this and see if your location is available.

Total Transparency, this is who we are and what we do. Hello. My name is Terry Scott and I'm a proud and very happy membership rep for NFIB. I'm sharing David's article here because I believe that you came upon this page because you may have what it takes to become a membership rep in your area and call on local business owners to share the NFIB story.

We really are more of "Story Tellers" than "sellers". We tell the story and when it makes sense to the business owner, they join; and at a very affordable membership dues... which they select!

Would you like to earn $50K, $75K or over a $100K per year telling the NFIB story? CONTACT ME and I will put you in touch with our HR department to see if we have a position open in your area.

Fighting for
 Small Businesses
By David S. Addington, General Counsel

Small business as a whole had a good decade in America. NFIB will fight to keep it that way.

From 2010 to 2019, the U.S. economy grew in size by more than 20% and the unemployment rate dropped from 9.6% to 3.5%. Small businesses had the starring role in that achievement, as they generate more than forty percent of the U.S. economy’s annual output of goods and services and two-thirds of net new jobs.

NFIB protects and advances the ability of Americans to own, operate, and grow their businesses and, in particular, ensures that the governments of the United States and the fifty states hear the voice of small business as they formulate public policies. NFIB helped small businesses greatly by securing congressional enactment in 2017 of the small business tax deduction -- the famous section 199A of the Internal Revenue Code. That NFIB achievement gave small businesses $414 billion in tax relief over the life of the deduction. NFIB scours the Federal Register every day to spot agencies’ new inroads into the freedom of small businesses. NFIB has fought successfully in federal and state agencies and in courts to roll back government regulatory restrictions on everything from use of private property, to business owner free speech, to competition in the markets. And NFIB political action committees remain ever active to help pro-small business candidates enter and remain in the national and state legislatures.

Federal and state legislatures and agencies listen to NFIB for one basic reason -- because NFIB has hundreds of thousands of small business members across America who speak up, both directly and through NFIB, and who vote.  

The field and telephone sales teams of NFIB make it all possible. They take the NFIB message to small businesses all across America, one small business at a time. NFIB has its hundreds of thousands of members because our sales team takes that message directly to small businesses from Maine to California and Florida to Alaska to persuade them to unite with the members of NFIB for the good of America and America’s small businesses.

To our Sales team -- thank you for NFIB, the voice of small business.

Would you like to earn $50K, $75K or over a $100K per year telling the NFIB story? 
CONTACT ME and I will put you in touch with our HR department to see if we have 
a position open in your area. 


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