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Take your desire to help others and do more, be more and have more. This expires in 2 days.

Do you have a desire to make a positive impact on other's lives, but also create more abundance in your life  and leave a legacy that you can feel incredibly proud of?

Watch this replay and get started today... 

If you are not ready to "buy" that's fine, at least watch these amazing people to get ideas to add impact to what you do. Watch this replay now, don't wait. It changed so many lives. 

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At a staggering rate, people are choosing self education over traditional education & their own trial and error. The world is voting with their wallets that they would rather learn from a professional doer than a professional teacher...  Creating an industry Forbes says will triple by 2025. 

- Imagine sharing your unique passion and experiences...
- Imagine Impacting lives in a massive way...
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This is your next level... this is how you FINALLY access: 

It's Your Time For Success AND Impact!

Get my $1,000 Meditate YOUR Ideal Weight System for only a Buck...

 Yes, this IS for real; but only for a very limited time. If you come back in a few days, the price goes back up to the original (discounted pricing; which is still a steal).

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So that is all there is to this, VISIT HERE and purchase the book for just a buck. Oh yes, you are going to need a coupon code. Use the contact form on this page and request it.

Here is the "Inside Scoop" on being a Membership Rep for NFIB. Read this and see if your location is available.

Total Transparency, this is who we are and what we do. Hello. My name is Terry Scott and I'm a proud and very happy membership rep for NFIB. I'm sharing David's article here because I believe that you came upon this page because you may have what it takes to become a membership rep in your area and call on local business owners to share the NFIB story.

We really are more of "Story Tellers" than "sellers". We tell the story and when it makes sense to the business owner, they join; and at a very affordable membership dues... which they select!

Would you like to earn $50K, $75K or over a $100K per year telling the NFIB story? CONTACT ME and I will put you in touch with our HR department to see if we have a position open in your area.

Fighting for
 Small Businesses
By David S. Addington, General Counsel

Small business as a whole had a good decade in America. NFIB will fight to keep it that way.

From 2010 to 2019, the U.S. economy grew in size by more than 20% and the unemployment rate dropped from 9.6% to 3.5%. Small businesses had the starring role in that achievement, as they generate more than forty percent of the U.S. economy’s annual output of goods and services and two-thirds of net new jobs.

NFIB protects and advances the ability of Americans to own, operate, and grow their businesses and, in particular, ensures that the governments of the United States and the fifty states hear the voice of small business as they formulate public policies. NFIB helped small businesses greatly by securing congressional enactment in 2017 of the small business tax deduction -- the famous section 199A of the Internal Revenue Code. That NFIB achievement gave small businesses $414 billion in tax relief over the life of the deduction. NFIB scours the Federal Register every day to spot agencies’ new inroads into the freedom of small businesses. NFIB has fought successfully in federal and state agencies and in courts to roll back government regulatory restrictions on everything from use of private property, to business owner free speech, to competition in the markets. And NFIB political action committees remain ever active to help pro-small business candidates enter and remain in the national and state legislatures.

Federal and state legislatures and agencies listen to NFIB for one basic reason -- because NFIB has hundreds of thousands of small business members across America who speak up, both directly and through NFIB, and who vote.  

The field and telephone sales teams of NFIB make it all possible. They take the NFIB message to small businesses all across America, one small business at a time. NFIB has its hundreds of thousands of members because our sales team takes that message directly to small businesses from Maine to California and Florida to Alaska to persuade them to unite with the members of NFIB for the good of America and America’s small businesses.

To our Sales team -- thank you for NFIB, the voice of small business.

Would you like to earn $50K, $75K or over a $100K per year telling the NFIB story? 
CONTACT ME and I will put you in touch with our HR department to see if we have 
a position open in your area. 


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Could the Minimum Wage Hike be the Death of Daycare?

Daycare providers are great people; 

they have to be, they care for the children who are the future. 

However, with a looming legislative issue, the Minimum Wage Hike could close the doors which now open every morning to receive these children before their moms and dads go to their jobs.  
NFIB Membership Rep Terry Scott sees many business owners each day educating them on upcoming harmful issues which if became law, could severely affect their small business. One concern by owners of daycare Scott says is the Minimum Wage Hike.
 “Owners of daycare tell me” says Scott, “that if they must raise the wage for their employees they would then be forced to let some staff go to pay the wages of those who remain”. This would make things very difficult as Wisconsin law states that a specific ratio per staff and child (https://www.daycare.com/wisconsin/must be maintained so keeping every currently employed staff member is crucial. “Add the shortage of workers to this scenario and daycare center owners may be forced to close their doors” concluded Scott.
Much of the general public, of course, would love to get a larger paycheck. But if that larger paycheck is created only by votes of politicians and not by the natural economic process between business owners and employees, that artificial larger paycheck makes all costs to go up.

Image result for parents with small children
Every parent who sees their wages increased by the Minimum Wage Act’s “magic wand”, will see the price of food, clothing, shelter and everything rise exponentially as every employer raises wages, and the prices of goods and services to their clients. If the daycare is even able to remain open after this devastating wage law, parents will surely not like the raised fees which the daycare will be forced to do, and they may even find themselves as one of those unfortunate employees let go from their workplace and in the worse case, may be without a daycare to send their children.

The alternative to raising the minimum wage has always existed in our Free Enterprise System; to improve oneself and qualify for work at a higher paying position with a company which offers more in wages, benefits and other things. Other employees choose to work at a company of their choice for less because it suits their needs and schedules. A “one-size-fits-all” wage increase is not the answer and would hurt all small business, customers, and the economy.
Terry Scott is an NFIB Rep and these are not necessarily the views of NFIB. You may contact Terry with questions or details on joining NFIB.