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Have you checked out NFIB on Glassdoor lately?

I’d like to be your trainer! Have you seen NFIB on Glassdoor lately?

Are you sitting in your cubicle thinking that you are underpaid, underappreciated and underemployed; meaning that you could be experiencing more of your potential? NFIB is looking for outside membership reps (along with other positions) in many areas of the USA. You manage your own area but you get tons of help when you need it and the pay and benefits are really good. Plus, I've never seen a position where I have this kind of flexibility; of work and life balance. 

Hello. My name is Terry Scott and I've been with NFIB for over 6 months now and things are moving so fast and favorably with my position as an outside sales rep that I'm pleased to share my story! 

I'm available to answer your questions and will direct you to NFIB HR with my recommendation after we chat. (Please contact me first using the contact form somewhere on this page). 

Also, if you know of someone who should see this please share it with them. This is a great way to pay off those blasted college bills, any type of bills and start living a life with true work balance while getting paid well for seriously helping small businesses. 

This is real folks. Small businesses need someone like you in their area to get them involved with NFIB. Some have not heard of NFIB (even though the organization has existed for over 76 years) and others are waiting to renew their memberships. NFIB needs reps, like... right now! 

Certainly, you will need to qualify; not everyone is cut out for this. But how will you know if you don't ask? If you are reading this, I believe there is a reason why you are here. 

Please don't wait; your life could positively change today!  Check us out on Glassdoor and get back to me today! And, if you go directly to NFIB website, HR department, etc., please be sure to mention my name, Terry Scott (3A687) as your referral so I might be selected as your trainer!

CLICK LINK to visit Glassdoor and if NFIB membership rep positions don't come up, simply do s search NFIB, Jobs, United Stated. You should see many areas which are open. If you don't see your area, we may still have something close to your area so contact me anyway. Plus, you can even sign up for a Job Alert so you'll know when NFIB posts something! 

I look forward to hearing from you. Use the contact form on this page to contact me after you've checked out Glassdoor.