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Why was my ad/membership request denied?

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Free Classified Ads USA is a closed membership group where members post ads but also support each other too. To see if you qualify to become a member, please click here. Of course; anyone can post ads at the public site here

We safeguard the integrity of the group by vetting all who request membership. Here is a sample message people may receive when declined, however, we invite all to "correct" or update requirements and to try again:

Hello! You recently requested joining our Free Classifieds Private group.
Congrats! You are able to promote at this site: “Tell and Sell” Everywhere USA! This site is free for anyone. Simply post using this format: State, City and description (EX. MN/Duluth/Car for sale…) Businesses can also post but they must also be a member in good standing at our Business Members only site. For more details, please visit: http://terscottpromotes.blogspot.com/2018/04/get-free-advertising-on-these-two.html

Our Free Classifieds Private group is all about supporting each other in building our businesses (online and off). It is important that we safeguard our membership from spammers or those who wish harm. Thanks for your understanding. 

At this time we are declining your request for membership because of one or more of the following:

Not being a member of Facebook for at least one year.
Your Facebook page is not “Business Related”.
Your Facebook page has not been updated frequently or regularly.
Your profile picture does not present your “Business Image”.
(Feel free to correct any areas and try again): Additional details here.

Types of ads/opportunities we approve: 

This company still offers great products and quality for the price 
(and some but not all are available in stores but I know where they are!)

I purchase them for gifts and give to my business clients hereAnd because I’m “smart” I buy them at wholesale (you can too!)